Pottery Lessons
We offer private pottery throwing lessons with experienced, local artist Eugene Boyd! Our lessons are one hour long. Your lesson includes personal instruction, the clay and bisque firing of your finished piece, as well as the paints to glaze your piece.
Bisque firing is the baking of unglazed, dry pottery in the kiln. This process can take 2-3 weeks, depending on the thickness of your piece. After bisque firing we will give you a call to come paint your piece at your convenience. No reservation needed to paint your finished lesson piece- just walk-in during our open hours and let us know you have a lesson piece to paint!
Our pottery lessons can be reserved on Thursday-Saturday evenings. Lessons are $50 for one person or $75 for two people- please note, only 2 people can take a lesson during a one hour session. Our pottery lessons make an excellent date night, friend get together, or family experience!
A little about your instructor,
After he retired in 2009, Eugene Boyd planned to realize his lifelong dream of opening a wood shop. That was until he took a ceramics class at Cornerstone Center for the Arts. Eugene fell in love with clay and couldn’t get enough time in class. He discovered a passion for clay he never knew and forgot all about the wood shop! In 2016, the house next door to Eugene became available allowing him to open his very own studio, Boyd’s Pottery. Eugene also teaches multi-week pottery classes at Cornerstone Center for the Arts if you would like to continue working with clay! View his work at the button below.
“It warms my heart to see others get as excited about ceramics as I do.”